
Winter to Spring

Private SSH Git with Azure DevOps

Private SSH Git with Azure DevOps

Published Feb 6, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

This is more a short story of getting nerdy with a NAS.  I wanted to figure out if I could really host a GIT repo locally on my NAS for private work or long term storage.  While I’ll be covering th...

Nomad: Getting Started

Nomad: Getting Started

Published Jan 29, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

There is one Hashi Tool I really haven’t dived into much and that is Nomad.  Nomad has been the Hashi product for deployments, containerized and otherwise for a while and some large companies orche...

Terraform Cloud: Getting Started

Terraform Cloud: Getting Started

Published Jan 20, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

Hashicorp has had the Terraform Cloud offering now for the last year.  It’s been something I really wanted to try since HC 2019.  Interest was so high at  that time, there was a wait-list but now i...

Azure DevOps: Deploying to IIS with Windows VM Environments

Azure DevOps: Deploying to IIS with Windows VM Environments

Published Jan 15, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

In Azure DevOps we’ve covered plenty with linux deployments and containerized workloads.  But at times we may need to deploy to a set of Windows hosts, especially if we need to support IIS workload...

Azure DevOps Pull Request Checks

Azure DevOps Pull Request Checks

Published Jan 8, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

One of the nice features of Azure DevOps Repos is the ability to control Pull Requests with PR Policies. Policies such as minimum number of reviewers, PR build checks, comment response and Work Ite...

Azure DevOps Agent Pools: The Power of VMSS

Azure DevOps Agent Pools: The Power of VMSS

Published Dec 31, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

Most recently in conversation with my colleague Jason, I brought up the power of VMSS backed agents.  I covered them in my WhizLabs course, but haven’t discussed them, to date, here in the blog.

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