
Winter to Spring

Aiven Part 3: Grafana with InfluxDB, Monitors and Alerts

Aiven Part 3: Grafana with InfluxDB, Monitors and Alerts

Published Dec 5, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

We’ve covered using Datadog and other tools to monitor and display metrics. Today we’ll wrap our series on by looking at setting up a hosted Grafana instance and tying a custom DNS name t...

Aiven Part 2: Redis and AWS Cloudwatch Integrations

Aiven Part 2: Redis and AWS Cloudwatch Integrations

Published Nov 29, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

In our first post we explored to create and manage a hosted Kafka cluster as well as a MirrorMaker instance. We explored sending metrics to Datadog and using MirrorMaker to sync with an o...

Distributed Kafka with Aiven

Distributed Kafka with Aiven

Published Nov 22, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Today we will explore using and their managed Kafka and Kafka MirrorMaker service. Aiven integrates with five clouds; AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean and UpCloud and has VPC Private endpoin...

Podman Desktop

Podman Desktop

Published Nov 15, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Podman has been out for a while, but just recently they put out a Desktop front-end with Podman Desktop. It’s Open Source and has pre-built binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Cypress Testing - Getting started

Cypress Testing - Getting started

Published Nov 9, 2022 by Isaac Johnson is a browser based test automation startup based in Atlanta, GA. Founded in 2015 by Brian Mann and Randall Kent, they saw a gap in front-end test automation tools and built their own Ja...

Smart plugs and Datadog - Triggering physical alerts with Py Kasa

Smart plugs and Datadog - Triggering physical alerts with Py Kasa

Published Nov 4, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Having to replace some cheap smart plugs that all failed, I figured it might be worth getting some that we could program.

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