
Can't keep'em indoors

Migrating from Ghost to Jekyll

Migrating from Ghost to Jekyll

Published Sep 1, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

In our last blog we worked out Github Pages and blogging with jekyll and Github sites. But what if you have a blog already, such as this one in Ghost. How can we migrate and will it be benificial...

Blogging with Github and Jekyll

Blogging with Github and Jekyll

Published Aug 24, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

I’ve been using Ghost to blog for some amount of time, but recently I was turned onto Jekyll for blogging with markdown.  More to the point, Jekyll is the backend used by Github Pages blogging.  We...

Kuma Mesh with Datadog

Kuma Mesh with Datadog

Published Aug 18, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

Kuma,which is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sponsored service mesh, is the OSS backend of Kong Mesh. From the docs for mTLS we also see it is one of the implementers of the Spiffe univ...

Azure Powershell Functions: Extending, Automating and Securing

Azure Powershell Functions: Extending, Automating and Securing

Published Aug 12, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

In our last post we covered the creation and testing of a powershell based Azure Function. It was able to list contents of a single storage account.  But how might we extend that to manipulate file...

Azure Powershell Functions: Getting Started

Azure Powershell Functions: Getting Started

Published Aug 5, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

Recently I’ve had a lot of work that has involved powershell in a variety of tooling and the need to move powershell workloads into the cloud.  Microsoft actually has a rather straightforward metho...

Service Mesh Observability: Kiali

Service Mesh Observability: Kiali

Published Jul 26, 2021 by Isaac Johnson

When working with Service Meshes, some questions that are often asked are; what microservices are included in my mesh and how are they connected? Additionally, how are they performing and is it saf...

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