Winter to Spring
Getting Started with Packer and AzDO
Published Aug 12, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
Lately I’ve been in many conversations about how to use Packer, especially how to use Packer with Azure Pipelines and Cloud endpoints. There are some good Getting Started trainings with Packer and...
Kubernetes, SSL and Cert-Manager
Published Aug 3, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
Recently the topic came up about how to procure valid SSL certificates for a colleague’s project. I knew I had used an earlier version of cert-manager ina post about self host container registries...
K8s and Krew : RBAC utilities
Published Jul 29, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
While I cannot recall how I came across krew, it’s been in the back of my mind to check it out. I was aware that it contained a solid library of plugins especially around role base access controls...
Notifications: Email with Logic Apps
Published Jul 16, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
Love them or hate them, email notifications are a topic nearly every project needs to solve. Having to trigger them from Azure has come up multiple times in the last week which prompted me to ask, ...
Diagrams as Code: Mermaid
Published Jul 12, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
While i’ve been using Mermaid diagrams for some time, i realize not everyone knows what they are or how best to use them. I’ll work through how you can have diagrams as code, expose via Azure DevO...
Datadog for DevOps : Metrics, Dashboards and Logs
Published Jun 29, 2020 by Isaac Johnson
Last time I talked about Datadog it was to focus on how Datadog helps us track deployments into AKS and tie to Azure DevOps data from builds. Today I want to dig in to how Datadog can help track a...
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