Let's play outside!
Ansible AWX: Automating K3s Refresh, Istio, Cert-Manager and AzureDNS
Published Feb 24, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Today we’ll revisit using Ansible (AWX) to respin and on-prem Kubernetes cluster (K3s). We are not only going to testing creating a K3s cluster without Traefik, but we’ll tackle creating and testi...
Hashi Vault on K8s with MFA
Published Feb 21, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Hashi Vault is a robust secrets service that we can use many different ways; as a SaaS offering (HCP Vault), marketplace option in our cloud provider or host it ourselves. Today we’ll setup Vault ...
Blogging Platforms you should know:, Hashnode, DZone, Blogger, and
Published Feb 16, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Recently in a work discussion around blogging, I was asked about and Hashnode. Today I’ll speak about using them as well as Dzone, Post, and Blogger
Github Workflows with OIDC Cloud Access: Secrets without Secrets
Published Feb 14, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Recently, my colleague at Github pointed out that my method for accessing GCP and Azure was fine, but perhaps a bit dated. There are new ways using OpenID Connect that do not require one to create...
Hugo Blogging with Contentful and Azure Static Sites
Published Feb 9, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Following our last few posts about CMS, I wanted to dig into Hugo a bit more. Hugo is an Open Source static site generator that follows similar systems like Jekyll (used here) and Octopress.
Published Feb 7, 2023 by Isaac Johnson
Following our post from last week on Hypgraph, I wanted to dig into other leading CMS providers out there. I decided to check out Contentful next, the 11-year-old veteran in the space.
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