
Fall Fishing

Hugo Blogging with Contentful and Azure Static Sites

Hugo Blogging with Contentful and Azure Static Sites

Published Feb 9, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

Following our last few posts about CMS, I wanted to dig into Hugo a bit more. Hugo is an Open Source static site generator that follows similar systems like Jekyll (used here) and Octopress.



Published Feb 7, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

Following our post from last week on Hypgraph, I wanted to dig into other leading CMS providers out there. I decided to check out Contentful next, the 11-year-old veteran in the space.

Azure DevOps/Github Actions with GCP Secret Manager and AKV

Azure DevOps/Github Actions with GCP Secret Manager and AKV

Published Feb 2, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

Often I’m asked for how best to apply secrets to CICD Workflows, most often in Github Actions and/or Azure DevOps. Today we’ll dig into using Secrets in Azure Pipelines (AzDO) and Github Actions. ...

Hygraph - A GraphQL Driven CMS

Hygraph - A GraphQL Driven CMS

Published Jan 31, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

I first heard about Hygraph through TLDR. Hypgraph’s pitch is rather grand - a content management system that connects anything to anything. I was intrigued to say the least.

Fixing The Cluster: K3s, Dapr, APM, Datadog and physical cleanups

Fixing The Cluster: K3s, Dapr, APM, Datadog and physical cleanups

Published Jan 27, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

As I alluded to in my last post, problems happen. In my case, my network starting getting flaky so I rebooted the Wi-Fi router. During this time, I discovered my master/primary K3s node lost its ...

Dapr and Mastodon

Dapr and Mastodon

Published Jan 25, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

We last explored Dapr Secrets nearly two years ago. I thought it might be nice to circle back on them and see how we can use with Azure KeyVault (AKV) and GCP Secrets Manager. My hope was...

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