Winter to Spring
K0s: Mirantis' tiny k8s distro
Published Mar 19, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
I was chatting with some folks from Mirantis about Lens and some of their offerings and they highly encouraged me to try out K0s (“K Zeros”). This week I took some time to dig into it. My goal was ...
LogDNA: Logging and Alerting
Published Mar 13, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
LogDNA has been around about six years and I became familiar with them at DevOps Days in Minneapolis 3 years ago. Their offering has matured a lot since then and it was time to give it a proper look.
Terraform and Azure DevOps: Awesome.
Published Mar 5, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
It’s always fun when two things I really like come together. I was thrilled to see the news out of Ignite from one my favourite companies, Hashicorp that it added support for one of my favourite to...
Revisiting Kubernetes and KEDA
Published Feb 26, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
Let’s revisit KEDA (Kubernetes Event Drive Autoscaling) and Azure Functions. We looked into this last March and did a hello world sample using Dockerhub and a simple function. Since then, Azure F...
Azure DevOps: Secrets in Files
Published Feb 18, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
We’ve discussed AKV and Hashi Vault, but one simple pattern for secrets storage and decimation is to use encrypted file storage. While not as elegant, it can be more than sufficient, fast and read...
Chef: Getting Started
Published Feb 10, 2021 by Isaac Johnson
Chef has been around a long time as is definitely a key player in deployment suites. What started out as OpsCode over a decade ago is now part of Progress Software. They have a series of integrat...
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