
When Systems Fail

This is not a sharp picture - not even that good. I was flying early in the morning friday July 19th when I realized something was really wrong. The ticket counter was in a flurry of checking lists and creating paper tickets. I would learn within 30m that Spirit Airlines was SOL in the airport and the TSA was checking my paper ticket against printed manifests. I couldn't be prouder of my own teams at work for having dug in and weathered the Crowdstrike storm - it's a testament of having skilled, available and committed SREs. By the time I landed and was back at my desk to help, the main production systems were healthy. I can't really speak to the rest - but my day wrapped later than usual friday but it was an amazing team effort and really, I couldn't be prouder of the people I work with at WellSky
On-prem k8s storage: GCP Cloud Storage Buckets

On-prem k8s storage: GCP Cloud Storage Buckets

Published Sep 14, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Today we’ll dig into some more ways we can leverage Cloud Storage to back our on-prem Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (and Persistent Volume Claims). I’ll cover GCP and more using a few different me...

On-prem k8s storage: S3FS + Longhorn with AWS, Azure and Linode

On-prem k8s storage: S3FS + Longhorn with AWS, Azure and Linode

Published Sep 6, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Today we’ll dig into some ways we can leverage Cloud Storage to back our on-prem Kubernetes Persistant Volumes (and Persistant Volume Claims). I’ll cover AWS, Azure and Linode using a few differen...

On-prem k8s storage: Rook vs Longhorn

On-prem k8s storage: Rook vs Longhorn

Published Aug 31, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Rook and Longhorn are two CNCF backed projects for providing storage to Kubernetes. Rook is a way to add storage via Ceph or NFS in a Kubernetes cluster. Longhorn similarly is a storage class provi...

Containerized Azure Functions with Azure DevOps

Containerized Azure Functions with Azure DevOps

Published Aug 26, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Recently I had a discussion with some colleagues about Azure Functions leveraging containers. There was a good discussion on how to build and scale them leveraging Azure DevOps.

AWX in Kubernetes: Part 2: Automating Setup

AWX in Kubernetes: Part 2: Automating Setup

Published Aug 23, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Several times recently I have looked to automate the configuration of AWX, the OSS version of Ansible Tower. As a followup to my last post on AWX in Kubernetes, we will now configure the AWX setup...

GKE Autopilot ASM and Vault

GKE Autopilot ASM and Vault

Published Aug 16, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

I’ve had a few questions come up recently about how Istio and Vault play together. We know that Consul and Vault, both Hashicorp Products, work quite well together, but can we blend the commercial...

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