AKS Dapr Part 7: Securing externalized services One of the challenges to exposing Dapr workflows, or any Kubernetes based flow really, is securing it. We generally want to avoid enabling business logic orchestration that can be invoked unauthenticated. Luckily there
dapr Dapr Part 3: Digging into Secrets Dapr provides a basic but very functional secrets abstraction component we can use in our services. In our last topic we furthered the pub/sub knowledge with a custom perl subscriber. Today we
KEDA Revisiting Kubernetes and KEDA Let's revisit KEDA (Kubernetes Event Drive Autoscaling) and Azure Functions. We looked into this last March and did a hello world sample using Dockerhub and a simple function. Since then, Azure Function Core
AKS Chef: Getting Started Chef has been around a long time as is definitely a key player in deployment suites. What started out as OpsCode over a decade ago is now part of Progress Software. They have
AKS VS Code: Bridge to Kubernetes I was encouraged by a colleague to checkout Microsoft’s “Bridge to Kubernetes”, a Visual Studio/Visual Studio Code extension and pattern for live debugging kubernetes services. The idea is that you can
AKS Hashi Waypoint Hashicorp had HashiConf 2020 virtually this year. The two day conference debuted two new products, Hashi Boundary and Hashi Waypoint. The former is an Identity at the perimeter solution and the later is
AKS Vault on Kubernetes: Part 2 - Multiple k8s, templates and external IPs Let’s keep going with what we started last week. This week I’ll show how to format secrets for various database engines, expose Vault with a public IP and load balancer and
vault Vault on Kubernetes: Getting Started Hashi Vault has long been a leader in secret management and has had a Kubernetes Helm Chart now for a year. I've been meaning to get back to Vault for some time and
AKS Kubernetes Serverless: OpenFaaS When reviewing Serverless Kubernetes offerings over the last weeks, several sources suggested giving OpenFaaS a second look despite being one of the newer options in the space. Alex Ellis started OpenFaaS back in
AKS Kubernetes Serverless: Kubeless Kubeless is another of the popular CNCF recognized Kubernetes Serverless offerings. It’s a Bitnami supported project that has been around since late 2016. It bills itself as “a Kubernetes-native serverless framework that
AKS Kubernetes Serverless: KNative Knative is a platform to bring serverless workloads to Kubernetes. With Knative, one can create the equivalent of Azure or GCP Functions and Amazon Lambdas in K8s. More concretely, this allows one to
AKS Containerized COBOL, Pascal and a Perl based BBS Following last week's post, the very first question I was asked was "What about COBOL"? In this week's post we will not only cover COBOL, but we'll show Pascal in a container and
AKS Containerized FORTRAN in Kubernetes While there are guides to creating FORTRAN containers to solve local builds, I felt it would be a great logical followup to try and make a containerized microservice using FORTRAN. More importantly, could
AKS Kubernetes, SSL and Cert-Manager Recently the topic came up about how to procure valid SSL certificates for a colleague’s project. I knew I had used an earlier version of cert-manager in a post about self host
krew K8s and Krew : RBAC utilities While I cannot recall how I came across krew, it’s been in the back of my mind to check it out. I was aware that it contained a solid library of plugins
AKS Helm 3 : Creating and Sharing Charts Helm offers a fantastic way to install charts in a repeatable way, but often it can seem daunting to get started creating charts. And once one has charts, there are a variety of
Arc Azure Arc for Kubernetes Azure Arc for Kuberentes has finally gone out to public preview. Like Arc for Servers, Arc for Kubernetes let’s us add our external kubernetes clusters, be them on-prem or in other clouds
AKS DataDog: Kubernetes and AzDO In our exploration of Logging and Metrics tooling, one company/product worth checking out is Datadog. It's been around since 2010 and is one of the larger offerings with over 350 integrations out
AKS AKS and NewRelic As we look at various APM and Logging tools, one suite that deserves attention is NewRelic. New Relic is not a new player, having been founded in 2008 by Lew Cirne (anagram of
AKS AKS and Ingress : Constraining Access In my last missive I detailed out AKS and Ingress using NGinx Ingress Controllers. For public facing services this can be sufficient. However, many businesses require tighter controls - either for canary style
AKS AKS and Ingress, again I wrote most of my Azure Kubernetes guides a while back in a time where Helm 2 was standard and RBAC was an optional add-in. Recently when doing AKS work for work, I
KEDA Getting Started with KEDA A few weeks ago, a coworker of mine posted to our slack this medium article about KEDA and Kafka.I wasn’t familiar with Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler (KEDA) and wanted to find